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Conversations About Dementia

Join us at Institute on Aging’s Enrichment Center in the Presidio for an informative presentation on some approaches to discussing lifestyle changes related to cognitive impairment with your loved one presented by the Alzheimer’s Association of Northern California and Northern Nevada. When someone is showing signs of dementia, it’s time to talk. Often, conversations with family about changing behaviors can be challenging and uncomfortable. This program provides tips for breaking the ice with your family so you can address some of the most common issues that are difficult to discuss: going to the doctor for a diagnosis or medical treatment, deciding when to stop driving, and making legal and financial plans for future care.

This event is FREE to attend. Registration is required. Coffee and breakfast snacks will be served. Doors will open at 9:50am.


Rebecca Steinberger, a dedicated Community Educator for the Alzheimer’s Association of Northern California and Northern Nevada, draws from her experience as an Education Specialist with the California Department of Education, specializing in autism spectrum disorders. Her commitment to the cause reflects a heartfelt journey, honoring her family’s challenges and making a meaningful impact in the fight against Alzheimer’s. In addition to volunteering as a community educator, Rebecca participates in the Alzheimer’s Prevention Trials (APT) Webstudy, an online registry designed to identify and track individuals who may be at a higher risk for developing dementia.


Companioa is an integrated group of programs designed to support individuals living with dementia and their caregivers. Specialized services include the Social Day Program at the Enrichment Center in the Presidio, Home Care, and Concierge Services, which include Caregiver Coaching, Personal Concierge, and Care Management.