Elder financial abuse has become a fast-growing epidemic in American society. To make matters worse, it is also becoming more sophisticated than ever. Consider these startling statistics:
A vulture—that fearsome bird of prey—circles its unsuspecting victim and waits for it to falter. The innocent creature below has no idea what’s in store. It goes about, minding its own business, until the vulture swoops down and— Well, we all know how this ends. What’s the difference between a vulture in the scenario above and a criminal who perpetuates senior scams? Sadly, not much. The latter is a diabolical individuals who prey on seniors because they are often seen as easy targets due to their physical and cognitive limitations.[1.”Can Elderly Scams be Prevented?” Aging Care, https://www.agingcare.com/Articles/prevent-elderly-becoming-scam-victims-138455.htm.] Social isolation can also play a part, as friends and family often live far away, and aren’t always there to protect their elderly loved ones.What are some of the most prevalent senior scams, you ask? Read on to find out what you should be on the lookout for.
The #1 red-flag phrase by home care aides? Read on to find out.
Image source: Flickr user Stephan Mosel[/caption]
Stop dangerous caregivers before they harm your loved one. (Image credit: Clover Autry)[/caption]
Scams targeting seniors are becoming more common and more complex.
Image source: Ulrich Joho[/caption]
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