Education and Training

Professional Development

Professional Development

It takes expertise and understanding to create a safe, rewarding life for older and disabled adults who need help. That is why Institute on Aging sponsors educational and training activities, so those charged with protecting and caring for people will have the best possible preparation. Our instructors are experts in their field who are eager to share what they have learned over many years. Because Institute on Aging cares for diverse clients with many different challenges, including behavioral challenges and dementia, we can offer insights to professionals across different fields, including social work, nursing, fiduciary, psychology and law.

Institute on Aging hosts a multitude of conferences and professional development courses for CE credit. We also sponsor community events and offer clinical training in psychology for graduate students.

“My clients face many different challenges. I wish I knew more about how to help them.”

Contact Institute on Aging’s Education Department

If you have any questions regarding any of our educational programs, please contact:

Institute on Aging, Department of Education
Phone: 415.750.4172
Fax: 415.750.5332

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