Psychology Clinical Training

“My mom has been very depressed lately, but I don’t know what to do.”

Program Overview

Institute on Aging offers a comprehensive practicum training in Geropsychology. The practicum training program is a member of Bay Area Practicum Information Collaborative (BAPIC) and psychology trainees receive weekly individual and group supervision as well as comprehensive didactic trainings that focus on topics specific to the practice of Geropsychology. The psychology students and fellows provide home-based and outpatient psychotherapy, support to the Friendship Line and assessment services.

History of Accolades

In 2013, the practicum program was recognized by the Counsel of Professional Geropsychology Training Programs (CoPGTPT) for innovative training in Geropsychology.In 2015, the practicum program was recognized by Palo Alto University for providing excellent training in diversity. The program was honored as a recipient of the Center for Excellence in Diversity Award, awarded by Palo Alto University’s Center for Excellence in Diversity and Office of Professional Advising and Development.

Simply call Institute on Aging Connect at 415.750.4111 or 650.424.1411. Our dedicated Client Service Specialists are ready to help.
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