When to Seek Help

When to Seek Help

When to Seek Help

If you are getting older and . . .

  • You can still manage your own finances but you want to plan ahead just in case.
  • You don’t want someone else making decisions for you later on, so you will do it now.
  • You are forgetting to pay bills, not taking care of business the way you used to.
  • You have been given a diagnosis that means you will soon need help.
  • You are getting ready for surgery or some other situation that will make it difficult for you temporarily to manage your own finances.
  • You don’t want to burden loved ones with financial responsibilities and decisions on your behalf.
  • You want to avoid family disagreements by providing clear instructions.
  • You believe in leaving financial matters to the professionals, especially if there’s someone you trust.

If someone you care about . . .

  • Is falling behind on money matters due to dementia or frailty.
  • Has recently had a stroke or other crisis that leaves them unable to manage on their own.
  • Has lost the spouse or other person who always handled the money.
  • Depends on you and you worry about who will take care of them if you no longer can.
  • May be the victim of financial abuse.
  • Has asked for your help but you don’t know where to begin, don’t have time or feel awkward stepping in.
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